Having a backyard costs money. Not only do you pay to own that space, but you also have to shell out for upkeep and maintenance. Regardless, your little plot of land could actually be the answer to your financial woes. Don’t just spend money on your yard — make some money with it. Here are several clever ways to monetize your outdoor space. Due to the housing crunch in major metropolitan areas, cities around the United States are relaxing zoning codes or creating new housing laws to deal with the shortage of rental properties. In Makw Angeles, it is now legal to turn your garage into an apartment or build a «granny flat» in your backyard. Do you live within walking distance of a convention center, major hospital, or historic center? My friend MaryAnn has been renting out tricked-out vintage trailers in her backyard since before online rentals were even a thing. But even if you don’t have a prefab shelter, don’t let wit stop you. If you live close to a natural wonder, a killer surf break, or a unique trailhead, you can rent out your backyard as a private campground to backpackers and glampers via Hip Camp.
12 garden furniture sets perfect for outdoor entertaining
Your garden, no matter how small or large, requires a lot of time and effort to help it thrive. Beyond just selling the plants you grow, there are plenty of money-making possibilities awaiting you in your garden. Like most opportunities to make money, earning cash from gardening is all about your creativity and focusing on one or two ways for you to grow your garden into a sustainable, money-producing machine. No matter what route you choose for your garden, these plants can make you money:. Selling plants is probably the first thing you thought of when I mentioned making money with your garden, but there are a few ways to do this beyond just begging your family and friends to buy your beloved harvest. Full plants can be more difficult to sell than you think unless you have a lot of people in your neighborhood who know about your garden and want to buy from you. You can read more about this policy here. You might also be able to partner with a local nursery that sells full-size plants. This is best for a reliable income because you can set a contract with the nursery for a specific number of plants per week or month and get paid regardless of whether the nursery sells them. Seeds and seedlings are a bit easier to sell, usually, because you can also market them to gardeners who want to start the plant themselves and grow them using their own techniques. You can sell seeds and seedlings to nurseries or on eBay, but you can also get a little creative to help sell them to people in your town.
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You can sell them at a yard sale or even set up a flea market table weekly. Have you been successful in making money with your garden or growing the most beautiful crops or flowers in your neighborhood? Then think outside the garden plot and make money sharing your expertise to other gardeners-to-be. Garden blogs are incredibly profitable because of their use of advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. Beginner and expert gardeners alike use these blogs to learn how to grow and care for specific plants or new techniques for saving time and money in the garden. Offer your expertise, show off your plants, and connect with gardening brands that are willing to pay you to mention them on your blog and social media channels.
2. Sell Your Plants
Gardening can be more than just a hobby! Learn how you can make money gardening with over 20 ideas so you can start earning now! Grow a few extra seedlings to sell in early spring. You can also pot up and sell shrubs, lilies, and house plants. Or indulge your creative side and make gorgeous porch planters, miniature fairy and succulent gardens , and indoor herb gardens. Requirements vary, but in our state, it was as simple as filling out a form and paying for the license. Just package up some of your seeds in sets of Make money gardening by selling seeds in seed bombs.
Turn your property into a private campground
Many of us have hobbies. Most of our hobbies are a way to get away from the stresses of life and spend some time enjoying ourselves. A lot of our hobbies are outdoors—playing golf, gardening, or just relaxing. But what if you could actually make money from your hobby? Well you can by starting a profitable herbs business, right in your own backyard. Growing herbs for profit is quite easy and fairly inexpensive. Generally one time a day will be enough and preferably in the morning.
How to Set up a Profitable (backyard) Farm
I am always on the lookout for ways to save and make money. I have read about people getting paid to go shopping, getting paid to sit on Pinterest all day, getting paid to clean their own house …. You can probably get paid to breath if you know where to look! Anyone know where to look???? I grow things. So over the years, I have discovered some pretty great ways to make money doing something I would be doing anyways! You have your own secrets, why not write them down? There are actually a TON of blogs out there that pay you to guest write.
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