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Is it still possible to make money at flea markets

is it still possible to make money at flea markets

To make yours profitable, learn from the best is it still possible to make money at flea markets market selling tips. Do attend all of your local flea markets before renting a booth at one. Pay attention to what the vendors are selling and for what prices. Watch the shoppers, see what goods draw them into booths and what they actually buy. If you’re hoping to sell high-end vintage furnishings, lfea want to mark the flea market with primarily seconds and knockoffs off of your list. Do talk to all of the flea markets on your short list to ask about booth rental prices, merchandise rules, the approval process, legal and tax requirements, and whether there’s a booth available. There’s no point in getting your heart set on a particular market if there’s a two-year waiting list and your goods aren’t approved. Do try to rent a booth near the main entrance if spaces are assigned. Flea market shoppers tend to comb through the stalls when they first arrive and speed by with a glance as they get tired, especially at large flea markets. Do buy merchandise at a price low enough to mark up for resale. It doesn’t matter how fabulous that mid-century sideboard is if you makrets make a profit.

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Looking to start flea market flipping from the ground up, or to improve how you currently sell at flea markets? This article provides all the helpful information you might be looking for about making money selling at Flea Markets. It looks how anyone can make money from flea market flipping, how it works, what to sell, where vendors buy their merchandise, and a lot more. First, this mostly falls into how to make money offline, not online. If you are looking for ways to make money online, especially on the side, consider doing simple surveys online. They pay you for just leaving your thoughts and even pay for other activities you do from the comfort of your home. Click here to sign up to SurveyJunkie. And if you would rather just do some easy and fun things to make money from the comfort of your home, check out genuine ways of making money playing games online on your phone and even genuine ways of making money watching YouTube videos. The fact that there are many such markets almost everywhere nowadays means people are making money from them.

1. Choose What Type of Flea Market You Want to Sell At

And instead of going into it without knowing important tips that can help you, reading this article puts you at an advantage. You can sell clothes, sell shoes , and even sell different varieties of wares at flea markets, such as:. Flea markets can take place at open spaces or they can be organized indoors. They can also be organized daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or semi-annually. There are many places vendors buy the merchandise they offer for sale at these markets. Some of these include:. There are techniques and strategies to implement if you want to get the best from selling at flea markets. These include:. Yes, you can become a professional flipper by buying items from one or more flea market, yard sales, auctions, or thrift stores and reselling them in other flea markets for profit. This is a simple buying and reselling strategy of business that also works great with making money at flea markets.

Reader Interactions

Today, I have a great post about how to make money selling at flea markets. She runs a booth at a local flea market with her mom. Below is her blog post:. A yard sale is a quick way to make some cash. But, when you live in a northern climate like I do, yard sale season is short. A flea market booth stays open all year round, which means you have the opportunity to make money on used or vintage items whatever the weather. About a year ago, my mom and I were shopping at a local flea market. There is a long strip of them in my area, one right after the other, mixed in with a few thrift stores and antique shops.

Hi Rob! Thanks for taking the time to chat today. For people not familiar, explain the basics behind flea market flipping for us.

Do Something About It! Any Time You Want! I’m not talking about taking in personal checks that might bounce, credit card sales that take a month before you see the money or even money going into your PayPal account. I’m talking about real cash placed in your hand My name is Allen Farlow. I make money at flea markets. This is so easy I’m amazed more people aren’t doing it!

2. Find a Good Location

Remember the minimums. You buy them at the dollar store, don’t you?! The system is already in place. Of course, if I seem to be getting a lot of damaged merchandise from a certain company I will politely complain to them about it. Please do not waste their time. Once you find the company number, call them and ask for the sales department. You have to arrange for it.

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Some are almost obvious, while others are very well-kept secrets. How much does it cost? Once you pay them, they will give you a reserved space ticket. In most cases this is just monney formality, another piece of paper they need to have on file. You should always write down the date you placed an order and who you gave the order to. Answers can be found in Lesson 4.

1. Choose What Type of Flea Market You Want to Sell At

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You’re about to discover selling at flea markets and swap meets is a great way to make a very good living! Not only is it a lot of fun, it is one of the easiest and lowest-cost ways to start your very own small business. You can actually make a full-time income just working on weekends!

You’ll finally have extra time and you’ll get paid in cash! No messing around with personal checks or credit cards unless you really want to. It is based on a very simple business model: buy brand new merchandise at low wholesale cost, items people can’t wait to get their hands on, and sell it to others for more than it cost you. You get your original investment back plus a very good profit of two, three, four, and even five times your cost!

And you just do it over and over and. That’s all there is to it! You’re going to find selling at flea markets is one of the easiest ways to earn a wonderful fulltime income just working a couple days per week. There are very few real businesses that can be started for just a few hundred dollars. Most require bank loans and money out the wazoo before you even earn your first dollar, but not this one. There are no franchise fees, no credit checks, no need to invest large amounts of money before you make your first dollar of course, the more merchandise you begin with the quicker you’ll begin making the ‘big’ money and you can operate your flea market or swap meet business on weekends while still working at your regular job during the week.

You can start small and let your business build. It can be built as large as you like simply by putting all or part of the profits back into the purchase of additional merchandise to build your inventory. The more you have, the more you’ll sell! Like most working class people, I didn’t have a lot of money when I started. That didn’t buy a lot of merchandise, and I had to borrow a couple old card tables from my brother. But it was a beginning.

It was doing something, and believe me, most of the time doing something is better than doing. I set up at the flea market the very next weekend after my new merchandise arrived and made about fifty bucks that very first day.

That doesn’t sound like much, but I was thrilled! I knew I was on to something! I invested that money by buying as much new merchandise as I could for the next weekend. I thought if I had more merchandise, I’d make even more money, and I was right! I had found something that works.

Buy merchandise, sell it for more than what it cost you, and buy even more for the next weekend. That’s not so hard to figure out, is it? Holy smokes! It’s as if I got a free business!

A free business?! What do I mean by that? I made sales and invested the money I made by buying even more merchandise. My sales continued to increase over the previous weekend without another dime out of my own pocket. I did that for a few short months. Once my business was strong enough, large enough, to survive without my continually reinvesting all of the profits, I could begin keeping some of the profits for.

It was as if I had created a free business! And I haven’t worked for a lousy paycheck in years. What’s better than that? YOU can do the very same thing! How large? It just depends on what you want your business to do for you Allen Farlow’s ‘Insider Secrets’ Of Selling At Flea Markets This course is going to reveal how you can find flea markets and swap meets, where to buy brand new items at low wholesale prices, how to get these items delivered to your door and how to sell them for two, three, four, even five times more than what you paid for.

Many people invest in the stock market and patiently wait years to make a few pennies. Well, I don’t have that much patience. I like to double and triple my investment in a matter of a few weeks, not years, and you’re about to discover.

You can actually take this business to the next level and earn a six-figure income just working two days each week, and you’re going to learn how in the Bonus Section! The Flea Market and Swap Meet business is not nickles and dimes. It’s a billion dollars a year business! I’m pretty sure more than a million dollars in cash changed hands last weekend at flea markets and swap meets — in the State of Texas alone!

Millions of people make a very good income selling at flea markets and swap meets just two days per week. They know the freedom and financial rewards of owning their own business. Now it’s your turn. Let’s get started.

One way would be to call your local Chamber Of Commerce and ask. They should be more than familiar with the businesses in the area. You can also find them by checking the Classified Ads in the Sunday issue of your local newspaper.

In this computerized day and age, you could always do a Google or Yahoo search. Be prepared to spend a few hours searching through the listings. There may be quite a few, with a lot of repeats, as.

Flea Market And Swap Meet Directories One of the better ways to locate flea markets and swap meets is to use a flea market and swap meet directory. These are paperback books found in the collectibles section of most major bookstores.

There are several different titles by various publishers. These directories list flea markets and swap meets in alphabetical order, first by state, then by city. Each listing will include the name and address of the flea market or swap meet, the telephone number and contact person, a brief description of the market, the average number of shoppers each weekend, the hours and days of operation, space sizes, rental prices and local directions.

Keep in mind that the flea markets and swap meets mentioned in the directories paid to be listed, so these directories are not exhaustive by any means. They are just another form of advertising. There are still thousands of flea markets and swap meets that are not included.

Some directories will list flea markets and swap meets that are not listed in others, so it’s good idea to pick up one of each title and cover your bases. You’ll have trouble finding it in bookstores. I have only found it in the offices at flea markets and swap meets. Be sure you look for it the next time you go to the flea market or swap meet. If you can’t find it anywhere, you can always order a copy if it by mail.

Some flea markets and swap meets now have their own websites that include more information and photos. When you see a website listed in the directory be sure to go online and look at it. Flea markets and swap meets have been known to sell out on certain days.

Mile High Flea Market in Henderson, Colorado has 2, spaces and sells out on many Sundays, especially during the summer months. The market in Shipshewana, Indiana has a two-year waiting list for vendors. It is always sold. How big are the spaces?

The organizers set up booth spaces. People rent those spaces and sell stuff. And typically, the items sell at deeply discounted prices. Some of the more common items sold at flea markets include:.

How long have you been flipping for?

You might find vintage clothing or furniture. Some flea markets might allow fresh produce or baked goods for sale. The point is that there is a wide variety of goods that people can purchase at a flea market. This means that there are generally a lot of customers at a flea market — if the organizers marketed correctly. And that means more potential income for you. Here are some tips for making money at a flea market. Organizers run flea markets differently. Some flea markets are long-term markets. They run on a regular basis kind of like stores. Some are indoors, some are outdoors. The long-term or permanent flea market owners will charge you a per-month fee to have a booth. In addition, long-term flea markets sometimes have employees.


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