In Canada, a stag and doe, or buck and doe, is a wedding tradition popular in Southern Ontario. Family, friends, and other guests of the bride and groom, purchase entrance tickets and are entertained by draws, food and drink, music and ,ots games. Selling tickets in advance will help you figure out roughly how many people will show up. Not everyone that buys a ticket will show up, people helping setup and run the stag and ad are not required to purchase these tickets. As an added bonus you could draw a door prize for those that bought a ticket, simply have your guest write their name on the back of their ticket and place it into a draw box Tickets are non-refundable.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to learn more. Given we want to be as budget savvy as possible, we decided to have a Stag and Doe to help with the cost of our wedding! These are super popular in small towns in Ontario, but some of my friends from other parts of the country hadn’t heard of the concept. Some people also find Stag and Does to be controversial. If you feel that way, then don’t have a Stag and Doe or don’t attend one. While my parents have offered some money, we don’t want to have to use it. They need it as much as we do. My parents found this to be odd, and it caused a bit of further controversy. The way we saw it, we didn’t feel it was fair to ask our wedding party to just do everything while we sat around.
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It was very much a team effort! Call us tacky if you want—I think it’ and people need to move on and realize weddings are very different than fifty years ago. I think the reason Stag and Does can be controversial is that sometimes they really do feel like a cash grab. Sometimes tickets are over-priced and once you get there, you can feel a bit bombarded to play games and spend, spend, spend. I’ve been to some that are held in a big community center, where there is an MC leading games that all cost money to enter, and that’s kind of all there is to do other than drink and chat with people. We did not want our guests to feel this way. Our mission was simple: throw a fun party where people are entertained and feel like they’re getting value for their contribution.
1. Silent auctions
They can be indoors or outdoors, just for adults or for the whole family. You can even get your beloved pets in on the fun. Photo Courtesy of Anything Lime. If you have a large grand prize tablet, large TV, etc. Guests pay for the chance to guess how many items are in a large jar. At the end of the night, announce the person with the right guess or the closest guess without going over and that person wins the jar or other prize or even half the money collected. Choose a good prize and put it in a box with a lock on it. Let guests buy a key and try their luck on the lock.
Choosing the prizes
Toonie toss? Raffle prizes, silent auction, games etc? What games did well and which others were a flop? She had it in 2 parts. It can be themed or not themed. Generally, the wedding party helps plan, in our case, we are not allowed to be involved which is driving us up the wall a little in a good way!
Is it common in Canada? Steal other people’s ideas. Answer Save. Categories : Marriage Pre-wedding Canadian traditions. Member posts. Namespaces Article Talk. We lived in an area in central, rural Minnesota for a while. The Uniter. You can always do two different ones; a texas mickey for the guys and a designer purse for the girls!!
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Nancy Pelosi’s daughter raises Trump security issue. Jennifer Aniston blames ‘peer pressure’ for decision. Languages Add links. Often, people who may not be close enough to the engaged couple to warrant an invitation to the wedding or reception especially in the case of roe small weddingwill be «tapped» to attend the stag and do so as to be part of the overall wedding fundraising. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. You could sell raffle tickets Sell drinks Have raffles for prizes Not sure how profitable they may be. Google will be your syag Categories : Marriage Pre-wedding Canadian traditions. I agree to receive emails from the site. Page of 3. For those that are perplexed with the whole concept of a stag and doe, they are VERY common in southern Ontario. Do you know anyone qualified to bartend for you? Generally, the wedding party helps plan, in our case, we are not allowed to be involved which is driving us thaf the wall a little in a good way! A cultural event in Canada, popular mostly in Manitoba or Ontario under various names to raise adn for a couple for their future wedding plans or honeymoon.
Toonie toss? Raffle prizes, silent auction, games etc? What games did well and which others were a flop? She had it in 2 parts. Maek can be themed or not themed. Generally, the wedding party helps plan, in our case, we are not allowed to be involved which is driving us up the wall a little in a good way!
Now, we arent expecting that much at all, we arent really expecting anything, but any ideas to make a worthwhile jack and jill with all the work everyone is putting would be wonderful.
We have lots of golf foursomes at some nice golf clubs for prize and raffles, lots of baskets full of good stuff, a nice basket full of wines and jelies and wine glasses from the winery we are getting married at from my inlaws, mmoney big texas mickeys, and some blue jays tickets.
So it stag and doe games that make lots of money should be a good fun time. Man, do I wish this was socially acceptable to do here! What they did was take an air hockey table and stuck toothpicks in all the holes. They had goal posts at either end of the table.
It was actually a lot of fun and that table was always packed with people. In lieu of an air hockey table you could probably just get a wooden board and nail a bunch of nails into it. Do you know anyone qualified to bartend for you? For those that are perplexed with the whole concept of a stag and doe, they are VERY common in southern Ontario.
Ontario bride over here!! I know they are having a Lottery Tree — a big cardboard cutout of a tree, with tons of lottery tickets and scratchcards stuck all over it, everyone pays a certain amount for a ticket, they write their name on it and put it in for a draw!!
I also know they are doing an empty wine barrel full of wine and liquor bottles as a big prize. You can always do two different ones; a texas mickey for the guys and a designer purse for the girls!! Find staf, ask questions, swap stories, and follow xtag planning real weddings here on Weddingbee.
Page of 3. Post 1. Member posts. I see…. Im reading it now! Is it common in Canada? Hostess posts. Get the best wedding inspiration, advice, and more from Weddingbee. Subscribe to Newsletter. I agree to receive emails from the site. I can withdraw my consent at any time by unsubscribing. I’d like to receive news and offers via e-mail. WeddingBee’s privacy policy. My fiance or ex fiance and I are booked to get married at the end….
Money stress :.
Planning a Stag and Doe
I am just trying to think of any. I have never been to a jack and jill myself so tyat is all new for me. There is one where you guess the number of beer caps in a jar and whoever is closest wins a prize — usually something alcohol related whether it is a gift card or a bottle of liquor. I have heard of people doing a mini golf one. Hole in one, you get a free beer.
Fun Stag and Doe Game Ideas
Some people do a casino theme and get games that would be played at a casino. S omeone draw life-size silhouettes of the bride and groom ahead of time and tape od to the wall.
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