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How to make quick money simcity buildit

how to make quick money simcity buildit

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. My city has a water shortage, fire stations needed, sewage overload and the need for transport and education. The only way I know to make money is from upgrading houses and selling stuff on the trade market. How else do I earn a lot of money? Be careful to include new residential buildings within your existing service zones so that you don’t have to worry about needing too many new services. This is much slower than other ways to make money, but over time, if your sims are happy, will provide a good, steady payout. Really good rates go for items that are needed to expand city storage ladders, security cameras, padlockto expand map areas dozer exhaust, plow, gearand for doing disaster events gloves, buttons, batteries. Many times it will be for manufactured goods, but sometimes they ask for expansion items. If you don’t have the items right now, you can manufacture the goods and go back to the bubble later and sell the items when you’ve completed the manufacturing. By fulfilling those items not only do you receive simoleons but also keys and other items to purchase specialized services that are unlocked later on in the game.

2. Use in game credits to purchase additional farmer’s market slots

I used to do that, but it’s too much work on the factory side. I now do donuts, glue, seedlings and watches swichted from hats. Stopped doing tvs, hard sell on global trade same with home textiles. Now I only have to be in my city 3 times in a 4 hour period. Where are you selling these items? Are you hoping other players buy what you’re giving out? The Green Smoothie only takes one vegetable and one fruit and berries, not two vegetables. It might move the Green Smoothie up the rankings a bit, but it still isn’t as good as the donut. Thanks for this by the way! I have algorithms that make possible to explore all possible strategies. Can you explain further? Can you maximise for less involvement and money? In an earlier version of this page, where I included all items and did total min including raw goods it came out as 4th from the bottom. I figured out what you meant. It’s especially nice since you could just set it and forget it for 4 hours, so it’s super easy to keep running. That would be a good strategy if you don’t have time to micromanage the game if you’re at work, or out for the day.

how to make quick money simcity buildit

How To Get Simoleons Fast

You will pretty early recognize that you will need tons of Simoleons to grow your city so I thought it might be helpful for you when I wrap up me techniques here for you that will help you get the Simoleons you need. Multiple times per day you will see deals popping out in your city — trading some goods for Simoleons to be more precise. So, some of them are really good, others are really bad. Selling the melons on the marketplace I would get 20, Simoleons, so I can make 3, in profit with this deal. Another very well-working strategy to earn money is keeping your factories busy as much as possible. Think about it that way: producing items and selling them on the market simply will turn time into money for you. Not that smart because even if you do that the whole day you need to sleep at some point and then your factories are idle, right? So, normally you will check your city like times a day, right? So you want to produce an item to sell that will take some hours to produce per step. Produce Seeds, Textiles and Spices in your factories and then turn them into flour. Now take the flour and produce donuts with it from the spices that will give you Simoleons. Just make sure that you keep these production chains running and if you see that you have too much flour produces, you can also sell it directly on the market for Simoleons. Go to the Trade Depot as well and buy them one by one and then check for the deals to pop up.

Need some money? You might find this guide very useful!

The game objective is simple, and endless: the larger your city gets, the more needs your citizens. Having spent almost a month with the quic, here are some tricks and hacks that could probably help you if you are getting your hands in the game:. With factories, you can make raw materials, which can then be used to build makf and make more expensive products.

These are in turn buldit to earn income simoleons. Sumcity factories come with two qiick slots; you can upgrade these slots by using in-game credits. With more production slots, you save more time in the long run, and produce more than your storage capacity can store. I find that 5 production slots are perfect simity me. As with each building, you start off with two production slots.

Furniture stores and gardening supplies can make do with the default two production slots. You will then be required to repair the building, and in return, Dr Vu will reward you with golden keys which let you unlock specialised buildings. Personally, I think Vu Tower is a complete waste of resources, and the cost of upgrading it is just too high. You can always earn golden keys through cargo shipments, which come once every 5 hours.

Golden keys are important in the game for you to unlock specialised buildings, which are used to boost your population multifold. Do keep a look out for the required cargo shipment products, and make sure you have them in your storage when mwke arrive so you can instantly complete shipments.

You want to make sure the shipment clock resets as fast as possible. If you do reach that stage, always aim for the ferris wheel, which is arguably one of the best population multipliers you can. When you build services for your citizens, whenever you can, opt for the more expensive option.

It is tempting to get the cheaper ones, but as the game proceeds and land area becomes scarce, you will find yourself hoping that you purchased the more expensive options. One of the biggest complaints gamers have with SimCity BuildIt is that tax rates do not increase in direct proportion with population size.

Taxation is important because the more citizens you have, the more tax you maie, and the more buildings you can purchase. So do not be obsessed with trying to build more residential buildings to get more citizens. One final tip: builvit should always keep a lookout for buidit congestions.

I always upgrade them when they turn yellow; this makes sure they are still relatively affordable. Roads with heavy traffic jams are more expensive to upgrade, and by that stage, your citizens will abandon some buildings, thereby reducing your population. So there you have it, some tips for all of you looking at exploring SimCity BuiltIt.

Type and hit enter to search Search. Image Credit: toucharcade. Tags: guide how-to simcity buildit simcity buildit golden key tips and hacks vu tower. Subscribe to Vulcan Post Newsletter Stay updated with our weekly curated news and updates. First Name. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter.

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January Mpney can build a lot of residence zones, while the services are at very high cost. I have been at such situation and believe me, looking at a trash city will result in uninstalling the game. I don’t have any problem whatsoever.

Re: So hard to earn simoloeons

I’m getting 13, per day in taxes and that’s just doing. I sell stuff in the depot, mostly donuts waiting for Daniel to show up and buy. I rotate between building up residential areas and disasters. The former rakes in simoleans, the latter rakes in keys. I always keep on top of the cargo ship and don’t let one sit too long.


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