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You re a badass at making money worksheet

you re a badass at making money worksheet

Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer — no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. This book truly crystallizes the concept that financial abundance is an inside job—in that it all begins with your mindset—and Sincero gets serious in the funniest ways possible about helping you identify your particular limiting beliefs surrounding money. Sincero currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Can you run it one more time? Have you been brave enough to read this book in public I wonder? With the title in full view? Both money and sex can provide unthinkable pleasures, birth new life, and inspire violence and divorce.

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Money is one of the most loaded, loved, and loathed topics known to man. Yet even though we use money every single day of our lives, we rarely stop to consider how we feel about it, speak about it, or what we truly believe. Or that in order to make money you have to work really hard doing stuff you really hate. Nobody gets to the top of the mountain without falling on his or her face along the way. We live in a fearful society that has perfected the art of doubting, weaned us on worry, and trained us to focus on everything that can or has gone wrong. Get specific on why you desire more money — what exactly will you spend it on? How much do all these things and experiences cost? The problem is that few things scare the crap out of human beings more than the unknown with the possible exception of death. But because leaping into the unknown is required for growth, you must view fear as the best compass ever. If you want to get rich, let your fear lead the way.

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Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality. I am grateful that money was there when I needed it once. So often when we get into freak-out mode about not having enough money, we focus our energy on paring down, shrinking back, denying ourselves, always saving, never spending.

A Whole New World

Despite packing up and moving everything to California two years earlier, I started to feel stuck. I knew it wasn’t due to a lack of opportunity, but rather getting stuck in my own head which led to staying home instead of attending networking events and keeping to myself instead of reaching out to others. California was a big risk I jumped at and all too soon the newness and excitement wore off and I got comfortable, back into my ways. When rolled around, I decided I needed to set goals for myself. Challenges that were attainable, that I would stick to, and would open my mind. Problem was, I just didn’t know where to start. I’ve never believed in all that «woo woo» about energy, the universe providing, law of attraction, etc. You get the picture. What that book did first, however, was get my butt in gear. You Are a Badass opened my world to female entrepreneurship. I loved the interview with Jen so much that I subscribed and went back through the archives.

52 Book Challenge

You are a Badass at Making Money is an excellent read for anyone looking for some financial advice with a decent sense of humour. You are a Badass at Making Money is an excellent read for anyone looking for some financial advice and has a decent sense of humour. Jen will help you stop letting your doubts, fears and excuses get in the way and show you how you too, can be as wealthy as you want to be. She explains the importance of knowing your deepest desires and how to start taking action. Best known for writing the ever-popular You Are a Badass Jen Sincero is back with her down-to-earth humour that is entertaining and enjoyable. Her books are written in a way that makes you feel like your friends. Writing from her own experiences, she is an increasingly popular author in the self development world. First up, Jen will discuss the desire for wealth and living your best life. Next she will dive into the importance of adjusting your mindset and how desire, thoughts and words can all have an impact on this.

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Get some insight from others in the YouEconomy. Visualize the specifics of a new reality that excites you. Join us! Seek answers. You May Like. This decision outweighs all excuses, fears, and distractions. Train all your thoughts, words, and beliefs on the fact that this new reality is available to you and take radical action to make it manifest. You get one shot at being the jaking that is you makig planet Earth, and you get to choose how you experience it.

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And they bring the discussion full circle, sharing how you can take your new badass attitude about money and translate it into a thriving business in the YouEconomy.

The way we feel about money can sneak its way into ah subconscious belief badaas. Sincero shares some of the thought patterns people associate with their cash:. Sincero says these are fear-based thoughts. Thirty-three percent of adults have earned money through the YouEconomyan economic space that ranges from Lyft drivers to major entrepreneurs. Here are some tips for starting a business from freelance journalist Emma Johnson:.

And we basically learn to be afraid. These are learned fears. Join us! Takeaways The way we feel about money can sneak its way jaking our subconscious belief. Sincero shares some of the thought patterns people associate with their cash: Money is yu root of all evil. Money is hard to make. Money comes from working hard, not smart. Money causes guilt when spent. Here are some tips for starting a business from freelance journalist Emma Johnson: Convert your dream into a business plan.

Get some insight from others in the YouEconomy. Start your business as a side gig to test the waters. Get your tickets. To claim s, just go to FreshBooks. Posted in Podcast. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

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Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Drawing on her own transformation—over just a few years—from a woman living in a converted garage with tumbleweeds blowing through her bank account to a woman who travels the world in style, Jen Sincero channels the inimitable sass and practicality that made You Are a Badass an indomitable bestseller. She combines hilarious personal essays with bite-size, aha concepts that unlock earning potential and get real results. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details


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