JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. We often talk about pump electrical cost on this website, and now choosing an efficient pump can save you money in the long run on electrical running costs. In fact, even if a pump is more money to purchase initially, you can still end up saving substantial amounts of money in the long term. To compare the electrical costs of two pumps, look in the pump specifications for the number of watts the pumps needs to run. Then use the below wizard to find out how much money per month each pump will cost to run. If the watts aren’t listed for the pump, you can alternatively use the amps and volts with the below option. After running the above wizard, you should now know how much it will cost per month to run a given pump. Have a look at our Choosing a Pond Pump page to see the pumps we offer, as well as the wattage of each pump! Compare Products. Remove This Item Compare.
Education Requirements
Some states DO NOT require a contractors license, making this list of questions that much more valuable for people looking to contract for pond construction. These are the ten questions most pond designers prefer you never ask them. Are you a licensed landscape contractor that specializes in pond construction and pond design and may I please see a copy of your contractors license? Most pond designers have a copy of their landscape contractors license in their design portfolio or have their contractor identification card in their wallet and should be eager to show it off. Unlicensed pond construction activity happens frequently and puts both yourself and the alleged contractor at risk. Contracting without a license is a misdemeanor offense, and anyone who does so is subject to serious penalties including jail time. It is also a misdemeanor for a pond contractor to advertise as such in a classification other than that for which he is specifically licensed, although a licensed general engineering or general building contractor may advertise as a general contractor. Additionally, certified contractor programs promoted by pond manufactures, unfortunately DO NOT require a contractors license to give out certifications. The Contractors State License Board is your only defense against the fly by night pond construction contractors.
What resources do you lack?
What is your guarantee on your pond construction workmanship? The California State Law is to guarantee all workmanship and materials for one year. Once again, the California State Board is your only defense. If you contract with an unlicensed landscaper in order to save money on your investment with your pond design or koi pond construction and run into trouble with workmanship issues, you may be out of luck and will be looking at spending more money than you saved to fix your pond construction problem s. After I sign a pond design contract for pond construction and have second thoughts, what are my rights? You do have rights! Californias State Law requires pond construction contractors to offer Notice of Cancellation within three days for a full refund. The buyer in a home solicitation contract has the right to cancel the contract at any time prior to midnight of the third business day following the signing of the pond design contract. Business days, in this case, include all calendar days except Sundays and legal holidays. Protect yourself against lawsuits. Be sure the contractor you are using to customize a pond design for you is properly insured. Not only is it against the law in the state of California to work without workers compensation insurance, but also if any one of their employees or day laborers is injured on your property and is not covered by the pond construction contractors workers compensation insurance, believe it or not that employee may collect compensation for injuries from YOUR Homeowners Insurance.
Water and the Law
Adding a pond to your backyard can help create a peaceful oasis. With a backyard pond, your house is sure to stand out from the neighbors. The size of the pond is also very important—larger ponds require more labor and more materials to install:. Aside from the size, the type of pool liner has the biggest effect on the labor and overall cost of the backyard pond, as shown below:. Only a rubber liner requires edging to keep it in shape, but most ponds have edging of some sort to set the pond apart and give it a clean, finished look. An average backyard pond is feet deep. If you live in a hot climate, it will be difficult to keep a shallow pond cool in the summer, which can harm the fish. Conversely, if you live in a cold climate, a shallow pond can easily freeze during the winter months. Pond shape is also very important.
Improper Pricing
Landscaping costs vary depending on the size of the job and how many landscapers it requires. Get free estimates from landscapers near you. In most situations, landscaping includes designing and planning your land usage, getting the land ready, and planting or installing your desired additions. Let’s take a look at all the landscaping prices, including material and installation costs below. Prices depend on the size of your yard, where you are located, and the complexity of the job. Prices depend on the size of the job and how many Landscapers it requires. If you’re starting from scratch, expect to pay much more than one-time projects. Here are the most popular landscaping projects and a price list. We’ll cover each one in detail for you:.
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How much does it cost to install a backyard pond?
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Pond Construction Warning Report
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Million Dollar Backyard Pond
A pond can help with water for livestock, fire protection, erosion control, aquaculture and. Both practical and idyllic, farm ponds are a dream for many newbie farmers. Clear, clean water surrounded by lush grasses and perhaps a weeping willow tree may be the image that first comes to mind, but achieving that dream is often a costly and complex affair, if possible at all. There is much more to building a pond than digging a hole and letting it. There are serious legal liabilities involved in dam construction i.
How Pond Installers Need to View All Angles
Water and the Law. The vast majority of lakes, wetlands, rivers and streams — all the way down to the tiniest tributaries that you could leap across in a single bound — are, from a legal perspective, considered Waters of the United States. Any water that is not covered under federal jurisdiction is often covered under state laws. Ponds for legitimate agricultural purposes — irrigation or watering livestock, for instance — are exempt from most permitting requirements. However, you will still have to file for the exemption, which may buillders quite a bit of bureaucracy. The farther away the pond is from a year-round stream, the easier it will be to obtain a houf. Before you get carried away with grand visions of a farm pond, consult with your local Natural Resource Conservation Service NRCS office to find out about the regulations that pertain to your property. The NRCS is a branch of the USDA charged with helping landowners conserve soil and water resources and can advise you on whether or not you need a permit and, if so, which agency you need to apply to. They provide free bow assistance — and sometimes financial subsidies — for building ponds. Water Sources.
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