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Money money make it rain

money money make it rain

In the first week after its launch on the Apple OS, it was with 2 million downloads the most downloaded game in the iTunes Store. The game revolves around money, greedand corruption. Inside the game, virtual money can be earned with insider tradingsubprime mortgages and the bribing of political figures. According to the creators, the game is a satire on the obsession with wealth. Space Inch’s Chairman Josh Segallwho is a criminal lawyerindicated that he found it disturbing that the option to bribe the FBI is the most popular paid purchase within the game. This idea was originally inspired from a previously released game called Make Money Rain. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is an orphanas no other articles link to it.

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About This Game

The latest buzzworthy mobile game has nothing to do with birds or tiles. It’s all about getting rich. Players start with a stack of cash in a money clip, swiping to «make it rain» by sending dollars flying. As players continue to swipe the touchscreen and amass more money — featured through a rolling counter — they can buy piggy banks or stocks to store their cash, and earn power-ups to boost moneymaking. Ventures start out innocently, with options to invest in venture capital or buy a business, but adds shadier jobs such as money laundering or paying off judges. Segall says Make It Rain started as a plan to drive more users toward the earlier release Disco Bees , a hexagonal puzzle game that topped 2 million installs. Segall thinks word of mouth may have played a part in Make It Rain’s sudden surge. The game also boasts a message about the power of money and greed.

About This Game

But what does it all mean… Well, just start swiping and watch the money pile up. Or are you just falling behind your friends and looking for excuses? Change language. About This Game How fast can you make it rain? Sign in Sign in to add your own tags to this product. Sign in or Open in Steam. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Create widget. Oh, and be a smart cookie and buy that vault. Software Software.

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Popular user-defined tags for this product:? About This Game How fast can you make it rain? Play Game. Grow a magical garden and play a gorgeous matching game in the cutest adventure. New releases. Become a focused master of the saber! Create widget. Hit it rich or swipe to expand your fortune as you play free addicting games on Make it Rain: The Love of Money! All rights reserved. Pass on your cash cow when you R. See. Includes 14 Steam Achievements. Investment games that make bank! Cash, Inc.

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You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML jt can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Sign in. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

Change language. Install Steam. Your Store. Store Home. Games Games. Software Software. Software Hub. Hardware Hardware. Community Hub. Make it Rain: The Love of The Money is a swiper game, where you have to invest your money in the best way to get richer then get more richer and then be very very rich.

Be a business manager and success in your investments! Or otherwise, die in the process and start again to amass a monfy of cash! All Reviews:. Game Troopers. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Sign in or Open in Steam.

Includes 14 Steam Achievements. Publisher: Game Troopers. Share Embed. Free to Play. Play Game. About This Game How fast can you make it rain? No, ir how fast?? Raij what does it all money money make it rain Well, just start swiping and watch the money pile up. Hundreds, then thousands, then millions, then billions, then kili-billies, mega-billies, and. Or maaaaaybe you prefer to die and share your patrimony with your descendency and be richer again but faster.

So swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, mpney, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe your way to glory.

Is it a stupid game? Or are you just falling behind your friends and looking for excuses? See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Recent Reviews:. Review Type. Moeny Range. To view reviews within a makd range, please click and drag omney selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Show graph.

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Okay, so since this game is entirely based around purchases. It’s best that you know how much everything is going to cost, and the best path to take when slowly building your way up to the final purchase — which if you decide to stop after the last achievement — will be the Electronic Apiary. The prices in each of the three categories Financial Investment, Business Investment and Political Investment all work differently, have different outcomes, and increase at different rates eat time.

Customer Reviews

Financial Investments: This is the additional money that you will make without swiping. It is the icon furthest to the left at the bottom of the screen. Each investment you can make — let’s mmake the piggy bank as an example — increases the amount of money you make per second, every mxke you buy it. You can continue to buy each of these indefinitely, if you really wanted to. When you make a new investment, the revenue per second is added on to what you currently make. I’ll be explaining later mmoney many times you should be purchasing each financial investment for the fastest completion. Business Investments: This is the money you will be making with each swipe. It is the icon, second from the monej at the bottom of the screen.


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