Scary idea, huh? But we talk with Polish artist Magdalena Morey, who made that leap. Via email Magdalena tells us how she discovered that the secret to learning how to make a living as an artist for her was all about not going it. I am finally making a living doing what I have always loved. I love the imagery he creates with words and he loves to write so it seems perfectly natural that he ghostwrites for me. M: One of the hardest parts of our chosen lifestyle are the continual doubts and uncertainties that presumably float around the minds of all freelancers in any industry. The taxman, rent, energy bills, food, car repairs, the list goes on and on. Are the children receiving the attention they need while we struggle to keep a roof over our heads? Is our deliberate refusal to give up going to result in us sleeping in the streets?
It’s not an unreal aspiration to make money by selling your oil painting artwork or watercolors, but it will take a significant amount of work in two areas:. While it is possible to make money off of art that isn’t particularly good—we live in a society, remember, that paid actual money for «pet rocks» in the s—it is easier on your conscience and your marketing plan if you start with a product that you know is really, really good and that you believe in. Do whatever it takes to become really, really good, while still recognizing that this is a process that never ends. The first part of selling your art is ensuring that the art you make is really, really good. Does this sound obvious? It is, but that doesn’t make it easy to see. I have talked to far too many artists who think they are better than they are, and who have huge gaps in basic skills on how to paint that they compensate for, but never admit that they have them or take the necessary steps to address the lacks. I know. You’re an artist, not a marketer. But if you are going to get your work out in the arena where people will see it and purchase it, you will have to think about marketing. The good news is, you don’t have to start out as a genius in this area and you’ll get better as you go along. As with any project that seems overwhelming upon first view, break your marketing plan down into little pieces, and start local where you know people and have contacts. Our very first marketing move—after we were sure that we had something really, really good to offer—was approaching the gallery in our small town where we knew the gallery staff, because we ran into them all the time in the grocery store in a small town, this is a central meeting place.
I called the head staff member, made an appointment to bring by some of the Norwegian Artist’s work, and answered her various questions. Because she wasn’t a total stranger, I didn’t feel nervous, and this one small move, in addition to securing our first gallery location, was great «practice» for the next move. I really appreciate this kind of advice. Has anyone had success in local co-ops? I believe that in order to sell your art it is probably best to work with a gallery, a local one. They now how to price and sell the works that they display.
Live the life of your dreams…
Determining how to make money as an artist for a living can be difficult. If you are an artist who succeeded to turn your favorite occupation into a paid job, you are one of the few who made their dream come true! Learning how to make money as an artist is definitely is possible, but it includes a lot of hard work and a long-term strategy. Love your business again. There are specific reasons that only a few people every learn how to make money as an artist doing what they most like.
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